Atma Tattva Avalokanam
Observing oneself as the Supreme Reality
所謂如實觀照本我(Atma Tattva Avalokanam)的意義是,了解我們的真實本質是本靈,而非念頭或者錯誤的身分識別。「如實觀照本我」是斯瓦米韋達教導的一個重點,他賦予我們的一個修行指導原則。「要保持不間斷地覺知阿特曼是我們的本質,持續觀察、並覺知阿特曼,這靈性本我的臨在。」
Atma tattva avalokanam is the understanding that our true nature is Spirit, and not our thoughts and false identities. Atma tattva avalokanam is an icon in Swami Veda’s teaching and one of the guiding principles of our sadhana: “Continual awareness that Atma is our essential nature – observation of, and being in the presence of Atman, the spiritual Self.”
Whatever thoughts arise as obstacles to one's sadhana, the mind should not be allowed to go in their direction, but should be made to rest in one's self which is the Atman; one should remain as witness to whatever happens, adopting the attitude, “Let whatever strange things happen, happen; let us see!” This should be one’s practice.
In other words, one should not identify oneself with appearances; one should never relinquish one's self. (Ramana Maharshi)
For example, when we wake up in the morning, there may be a little battle between the “self” and the “Self”:
1) 小我:我們在世間的腳色就是那個非常自我的小我,也就是斯瓦米韋達稱作的「假性個人自我」,這個小我有一連串、永無止盡的待處理清單,總是讓我們感覺自己不完整、不足夠、痛苦又令人沮喪。作為一個作為者,行動的機器,我們總是擔心別人會批評我們的表現,內在那些想要變聰明、有效率、美好、良善、品行良好的慾望就這樣永無止盡的列出待完成清單。我們回顧自己的過去,充滿了懷舊和懊悔,而展望未來,又充滿了欲求和恐懼。心裏的雜音轟聲隆隆。
1) “self”: Our role in the world as the egoic self, what Swami Veda calls “the pseudo-
individuated self.’ This self comes with a "To-Do" List, which is endless, and always brings a feeling of incompleteness, inadequacy, pain and discouragement. As the doer, the agent of action, there is concern that people will judge our performance, there is desire to be smart, effective, nice, good, moral and the list goes on. We look at our past history – full of nostalgia and regrets and we view our future – full of cravings and fears. What a mess of mental noise!
or we can wake up with the awareness of “Self”.
2) “Self”: I am the Atman, the Great Spiritual Presence, Big Sky Mind, the Quietness and the Stillness, the Source of Being from which all manifested things proceed.
So, Swami Veda recommends that we awake with “Atma tattva avalokanam”
~SWAMI VEDA BHARATI, Himalayan Yoga Tradition – Teacher Training Program
Observing oneself as the Supreme Reality
所謂如實觀照本我(Atma Tattva Avalokanam)的意義是,了解我們的真實本質是本靈,而非念頭或者錯誤的身分識別。「如實觀照本我」是斯瓦米韋達教導的一個重點,他賦予我們的一個修行指導原則。「要保持不間斷地覺知阿特曼是我們的本質,持續觀察、並覺知阿特曼,這靈性本我的臨在。」
Atma tattva avalokanam is the understanding that our true nature is Spirit, and not our thoughts and false identities. Atma tattva avalokanam is an icon in Swami Veda’s teaching and one of the guiding principles of our sadhana: “Continual awareness that Atma is our essential nature – observation of, and being in the presence of Atman, the spiritual Self.”
Whatever thoughts arise as obstacles to one's sadhana, the mind should not be allowed to go in their direction, but should be made to rest in one's self which is the Atman; one should remain as witness to whatever happens, adopting the attitude, “Let whatever strange things happen, happen; let us see!” This should be one’s practice.
In other words, one should not identify oneself with appearances; one should never relinquish one's self. (Ramana Maharshi)
For example, when we wake up in the morning, there may be a little battle between the “self” and the “Self”:
1) 小我:我們在世間的腳色就是那個非常自我的小我,也就是斯瓦米韋達稱作的「假性個人自我」,這個小我有一連串、永無止盡的待處理清單,總是讓我們感覺自己不完整、不足夠、痛苦又令人沮喪。作為一個作為者,行動的機器,我們總是擔心別人會批評我們的表現,內在那些想要變聰明、有效率、美好、良善、品行良好的慾望就這樣永無止盡的列出待完成清單。我們回顧自己的過去,充滿了懷舊和懊悔,而展望未來,又充滿了欲求和恐懼。心裏的雜音轟聲隆隆。
1) “self”: Our role in the world as the egoic self, what Swami Veda calls “the pseudo-
individuated self.’ This self comes with a "To-Do" List, which is endless, and always brings a feeling of incompleteness, inadequacy, pain and discouragement. As the doer, the agent of action, there is concern that people will judge our performance, there is desire to be smart, effective, nice, good, moral and the list goes on. We look at our past history – full of nostalgia and regrets and we view our future – full of cravings and fears. What a mess of mental noise!
or we can wake up with the awareness of “Self”.
2) “Self”: I am the Atman, the Great Spiritual Presence, Big Sky Mind, the Quietness and the Stillness, the Source of Being from which all manifested things proceed.
So, Swami Veda recommends that we awake with “Atma tattva avalokanam”
~SWAMI VEDA BHARATI, Himalayan Yoga Tradition – Teacher Training Program