2015年7月14日 星期二

要讓所有人感受到愛 Let every person feel loved

2015年7月14日印度時間凌晨三點吉時, 我們摯愛的老師斯瓦米韋達離開了他的身體. 請大家謹記他的教導: 
" 要讓所有人感受到愛" 。

大家可以在燭光中為老師禱誦蓋亞曲咒以及上師咒Adhanda-mandala karam,斯瓦米吉韋達以他人生做為典範,教授我們何謂以眾生為念的菩薩,是大家敬愛的聖者與老師。



Dear Sadhakas,
On this auspicious day of Monday 14th July 2015, our beloved Swami Veda Bharati passed from his body at 3 am (India time). Please keep his intention in your mind - 
"Let every person feel loved."
Special prayers of Gayatri mantra and/or Akhanda-mandala-karam...can now be offered on his behalf for this saintly intention while keeping a deepak/candle-flame lit.
Further details on the funeral arrangements in India and the 14-day shrad observation will be given later. Individual Centers will also be given instruction on sadhaka-japa for our beloved saint and teacher whose life was truly an example of his bodhisattva vow.
In loving service,
Swami Ritavan Bharati, Ashram Pramukh
on behalf of Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama, AHYMSIN and Dhyana Mandiram Trust