其中一人告訴我,她懷孕6個月,並且因為不時會有暈眩狀況停止了瑜珈的練習。她想念練習瑜伽的感覺,但她不知道什麼體位能做甚麼不能。她問我能來參加活動嗎?會不會給大家負擔等。你知道,我們給的答案當然是:是! (我從老師那裏偷學到這個小技巧,他告訴我們,我們應該總是用”是”來做為回答的開始。)然而,隨著越來越多的人報名,我開始想,我需要幫助。我需要有人誰可以幫我關照,讓我能夠同時照顧來的每位朋友。幸運的是,我的一個老學生願意回來幫忙。感謝她的到來,我們可以幫助大家。我的一些現任學生也來幫忙了。他們來幫忙一起幫助需要協助的朋友。

What is the best beginning of a special
For me, it's always practices of yoga,
prayer, hatha yoga, pranayama and meditation.
It is the first International Yoga Day
today ( 21st June, 2015). I woke up at 4:30 to prepare myself to be
ready to be at National Modern Fine Art Museum at 6:30. I need a meditation
with Guruji before I left. I had pack my things last night and after
meditation, I suddenly realize that I need to bring books of Swamiji in Chinese
translated by Shi Hong with me. So I repacked my and carried into a small
suitcase to today’s place for group practicing. I am going to be the role of
medium to lead the practicing with Guruji in tradition.
There were already 4 or 5 of them waiting
for me when I got there. We started by
few minutes of meditation after I shared with them how to sit correctly. After I opened my eyes, like a miracle, 20 or
so of people showed up. I am very grateful for these people to come to
celebrate our first International Yoga Day.
One of them told me that she is pregnant
for 6 months and stop yoga after she start to feel dizzy. She miss the nice
feeling of practicing yoga, but she had no idea what poses she can do or not.
She asked me before this event whether she can join us. The answer is of course: YES!! (I learnt this little trick from Swamiji as
he taught us that we should always answer the question started by yes.)
However, as more and more people sign up for joining us, I started to think
that I need help. I need someone who can pay attention for her while I can
taking care of everybody else too. Fortunately, One of my old students came
back to help. She attended my classes for almost one year before, joined a
pregnancy yoga teacher training program and just be a new-born baby's mom herself.
Thanks for her coming, we can help everybody. Some of my present students came
to help too. One of my oldest student, Sophia came to help me to take the photos. The other play an important role by demonstrate sun salutation while I am explaining, and some helped me to help people during the practicing. I really appreciate their assistance.
The sun is an early bird in June here. We
started at 6:30, and the sun shine with all its passion before 7:30. After we
complete whole series of Makarasana Diaphragmatic breathing, Joints and Glands
and Hatha, we have to move under the roof nearby to do our final Relaxation and
Meditation. Due to the contrast, sunny blue sky vs cool dark walkway, many of
them came to tell me that they really had a wonderful relaxation in the
All the free donation of the day goes to
the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families in Taichung. This Foundation supports
those families of low income. One of my students work as a volunteer there and
told me that it's hard to image that many of the families in modern city as
Taichung still need help to make a living. What they require is not fancy toy
for children, but rice and other necessities in life to support everyday life.
It is indeed a wonderful day full with love and sharing. Without all the love
from many people, it is not possible. I am grateful and pay homage to the
divinity in all attendants and Gurudev. Om~
Chinese version of Swami Rama and Swami Veda's books.